Microsoft-No Reboot On Update

(Possibly) No More Reboot
image license provided by Pixabay
We can all relate to this. You're in the middle of something important on your computer and then all of a sudden you get that sound. Update time. Well Microsoft announced at Computex in Taipei that they are working on the ability to not have to restart to perform that update. That would save so much time and cause people a lot less headaches. What they haven't said is how they can accomplish this. The computer restarts for a reason. You physically can not change programming while it's running. Not possible as far as we know anyways. 

If they get it wrong it could corrupt a lot of data. I hope they put it through extensive testing before they even think about releasing it to the public. The issue there is developers now have a habit of releasing a feature, program, game, etc before it's even close to being ready. We're plagued by bugs in games recently. The cellphone that burst into flames because of a battery problem. I could go on but I won't. I would hope it won't be one of their famous bad ideas such as rolling out Windows Vista. That OS (Operating System) was a mess and a mistake that will hang over their heads until the generations that dealt with it are no more. 

 I can imagine the time saved from having this feature working at full capacity with as minimal bugs as possible. For the life of me I have no idea how they're going to pull it off but it is late and I'm not all awake. Cross your fingers guys and gals that they succeed. Later.


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