Google Outages-Supposition, Opinions, and Facts

Google Outages

I haven't been personally affected by this but this is among the top alerts for today. It seems to be affecting only the East Coast of the United States (hint for you to where I am haha). Some of this will be supposition as well. I'm coming right out and saying that. 

So to me this screams that a specific part of their servers in some building that specifically mediates their east coast customers has plainly either malfunctioned or maybe an individual decided that they disliked Google today. My guess is the earlier but I just thought to put that last bit in there. I'd hope that the latter isn't the case but it's all too possible.

From what I've read every service has been down. Even YouTube. That tells me that they have everything stored in that one server room and/or building. I don't have a clue since I'm not a part of Google in any way, shape, or form. The thought is interesting and it tells me they don't have a backup server which absolutely blows my mind. Unless their backup malfunctioned as well which is possible but unlikely. It's pretty strange from my perspective. It just shows you that not even Google is prepared for a major fallout. I read that Google Fi (Google's phone service) is down and all they told their customers is that they were aware of the situation and gave them instructions to go through the Google Hangouts dialer to make their phone calls on their travels and business calls. This outage could possibly get the FCC involved since Google Fi customers can't even dial emergency numbers. 

The best thing here is that it's a good learning/teaching moment. Backup, backup, backup, and backup your backups so things like this don't cause you to lose everything. The amount of backups I put there is a little over-dramatic but it makes my point. Also, save often. That applies to anything you're working on with technology. I should even do this with this blog. Just in case. I might start writing these posts on my end instead of purely relying on Google Blogger to keep everything safe and sound.

Anyways, I'm crossing my fingers for all of you guys and gals on the East Coast that you get your services back, especially for Google Fi customers. That's scary to not be able to even call emergency services. Like I said at the beginning some of this was supposition and other things were my opinions with the facts in there stated by others. Until next time.

Images provided by Pixabay. Image licenses are by the Pixabay license.   



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