Apple App Store Policy Change

Apple Changes Its Store Policies
Invading Your Personal Space
Yes, it's back. Just a week ago Apple was found to be lying about "What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone" and now they decide to backtrack on something they attacked Apple Store Developers for doing and removed their apps. 
The policy they was that no developer could have an application on their store that invaded the Mobile Device Management on customers' cell phones. They stated it as "highly invasive" and now they back-pedal and make it so "under certain circumstances" they can do so. Their first statement is absolutely true. In fact, "highly invasive" is an understatement. Giving developers' apps that much access is dangerous. Now, I'd hope they check the bare bones of these apps to not dig into your phone but right now I'm not so sure as so many companies aren't doing the bare minimum of securing passwords. Business Insider asked what the circumstances are and they got no response. Kinda fishy there, Apple. Here's a link to look at for confirmation.

That's too many blunders and sketchy acts for me in a company. The only thing I can say is be very skeptical on what applications you install on the Apple Store because this policy is probably going to come into effect pretty quickly. If one pops up asking for MDM or Mobile Device Management, I'd go find a new app that does the same thing. There's my fair warning. Until later guys and gals.


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