AI Generated Social Media Profiles

Artificial Intelligence
Social Media

Imagine you're logged into your favorite social media platform and you have a friend request or follow that you recognize. You then accept that request or follow them back. Before you even checked their history and everything looked right. Guess what? It may not be real. That's because someone got the bright idea to teach AI how to make it's own social media profile. The latest report being a supposed 30 year old woman by the name of Katie Jones on LinkedIn was just proven to be an AI generated profile. A news outlet did some research and all the profiles claims of being employed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The agency reported no record of her employment. Her degree had no record either. CNET reports that this profile was used by a legitimate spy to attract would-be targets. 

All I can say to that is, crazy. I don't know what world the programmer who started this was living where this would be a good idea. The effects of AI learning how to make its own social media account could be a disaster. Malicious individuals could take this and do so many terrible things. For one thing, identity theft if the AI learns how to talk and post like the individual it copies. We have already proven that with predictive text on smart phones. Take it one step further and you've got a believable imposter of a real person. It's now time to put every friend request under a microscope and really determine if any request is real or not. The one thing I can think of is physically talk to the person who sent you the request. Whether it be by text, phone call, email, or a face to face. I'm all for AI helping us but this is one of those things where common sense should have ruled it out. Until next time guys and gals.


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