Heavy Delivery Drones

Delivery Drones
The Future

I love the idea of things getting delivered by drones. But can you imagine say getting a piece of furniture delivered to you? That may be possible really soon. Many companies are racing to have the first drone that can deliver something heavier than food straight to your home. I love it and for those of you heavily against pollution of any kind, these drones can reduce pollution by up to 50 percent! Crazy right? 

Guess what? That's not even half the story. This means we are that much closer to flying cars. If I remember right we almost had a flying car, I believe the mechanic Jesse James was the one trying to engineer it. If I remember right, but sadly it didn't happen. I love flying, and I love heights. I've only flown twice in my life, one was with a group of friends and I got fly it as did my friends. The other time was in an friend of the family's Ultralight. I love the idea and I hope that in the near future we all get to have our own personal flight vehicle. 

Now, the difficulties. Right now more than half the nation doesn't approve of drones because of noise and privacy. To solve that there needs to be a way to identify who the drone belongs to make sure they don't invade privacy. I know right now that you do have to register your drone so that someone can be held accountable for damage to property and such that or so the law enforcement can charge someone for flying in a restricted area. We need to go a little further. Hence where AR Smart Glasses could come in handy and you could see who the drone belongs to in real time. That goes into my fascination for Google Glass and my disappointment when the project was stopped for public use. Tell me your opinions in the comments down below. Make sure you follow this blog by email or standard subscription so you know when I post. Until later guys and gals.



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