Farming and Tech

New Farming Inovations
Still Need To Treat Rural Areas Equally

As you can all tell I am a huge advocate for treating rural areas just like urban areas in the field of tech. My hometown is a farming community and I have family that still lives there that desperately need better internet connections and access to new tech as it is produced. Specifically the outlying areas. The difference between the main population's internet connection and a community 5 minutes away is staggering and disturbing. They just barely got access to bare minimum fiber optic speeds while the main community has had it for at least 3 years. That's way too large a time frame for 5 minutes away. Here's an example why it's taking too long. The new cloud gaming fad that is being so forcefully pushed down everyone's throats. Guess what? These rural gamers won't be able to play these games because their connection is too slow and too unstable to continually access the cloud. That's just an example though. 
The real thing I wanted to talk about today was a new innovation that I hope will be made affordable for farmers. A "robot duck" is being developed in Japan to assist rice farmers with weed control. It already sounds expensive. I hope it's not for the sake of progress. I love innovation and progress but it needs to be accessible. It drives me utterly crazy when I hear this new tech being developed and you can't access it in this part of whatever country. It blows my mind! You'd think they'd push to have it available in every part of the country to have a wider customer base but nope, they don't learn. The biggest example of this is the deployment of 4G LTE service for cell phones. The outlying community I spoke about still doesn't have a stable connection to it. It's spotty and randomly drops all signal, not even basic 4G connections. I digress though. One day it will have to catch up and I can see that day coming soon. Here's a link to the robotic duck. It's in Japanese but it's cool.

Comment down below what you think on all this. Until next time guys and gals. I appreciate each and every one of you.


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