
Welcome to My Story

Welcome to my blog. I've never done this before so here goes nothing right? This blog will be about my interests in the Information Technology area and Tech news in general. I got started with computers at a very early age of 4 years old when I witnessed a family member of mine building a desktop PC (I'm sure you know what PC is but for those that don't it means Personal Computer) and I asked what, why, and how. He began explaining what each part was and what it does and why it goes where it goes. I learned pretty quickly how to build a PC. From there I continued my interest and gained some friends that reinforced my knowledge of the industry. The two I will mention will be by their names on the internet. Lord Jareth and The Mad Hacker. These two guys really helped me out in teaching me the basics so I could get started. Fast forward to middle school and by then I could perform the maintenance and repair work so I could do small jobs or help out a family member. I took a class on HTML and had a good understanding of it by the end of the year. I haven't touched it much since then but I bet I could refresh pretty quickly. This is when I started to have friends inadvertently volunteer me to help the teacher set up their tv's and dvd players. High School I was now the computer guy of my year. Freshman year I tried to hide it but the end of Sophmore year the Yearbook teacher had already seen my work and practically twisted my arm to keep the class' computers running and I ended up joining the class my Junior year as photographer and head of IT. The same year I joined the A+ Certification class (sadly getting my certifications was too expensive) they had just added so my responsibilities as the computer guy increased and was constantly pulled out of class to help some teacher somewhere with something computer related. Fast forward again to the age of 21, I was working at McDonald's in my hometown. One day during the morning shift I turn and collapse and I could no longer stand. My coworkers helped me to a table and I call my father and he has to drive me to the hospital. That ended in a reference to see a Spinal Specialist an hour and half away and that ended in surgery the very next to save my legs as I had and still have disc degeneration disease. It happened again at 23 in Orem, Utah on the job at Convergys on the DirectTV project. I ended up moving home because I couldn't pay my bills because of the recovery time. Two years later I get the resources together to take the classes for the A+ Certifications (these exams are required to do this as a job or business) and at the age of 26 I am finally 2 months away from getting my licenses. There's my story, I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be posting to this blog once a day with a story I find with my two bits or with something IT related that happens in my own life.


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