5400 Apple App Trackers

Apple App Trackers
5400 Counted
 So, Apple has been caught lying about the status of your data on your iPhones. They came out and said "What happens on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone." I'm going to post an image of a painted ad that Apple put up.
I took that as a screenshot. You can plainly see where image came and what YouTube channel provided it. You can clearly see the image though. My next piece is the piece of news a fairly well-known internet site posted. https://www.androidauthority.com/11-things-you-need-to-know-in-tech-today-17-992069/
They counted 5400 trackers. It got there because each tracker ran back with the data it collected and shared with another and they shared it more trackers. These companies should know better by know that telling the truth will get them further. In this day and age, near anyone can discover whether or not a company or group is telling the truth. My hope is lawmakers or one of these companies that are trying to force companies like Apple to pay you for your data as the data rightfully belongs to you. What disturbs me the most is that these companies are making millions of dollars off of data that doesn't belong to them. Here are some companies that are working on making them pay you for your data. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=get+paid+for+your+data 
For now, if you feel you need to, you can follow the directions given in that link in how to stop this ridiculous amount of trackers from carrying your data off to who knows where. 
I hope this informed you so know what's happening. Until later guys and gals.


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