Legitamate Bionics
Bionic Eyes
Helping to Give Sight to the Blind
One of my hopes for technology is finally happening. It has always been my dream to see tech enhancing the human condition like blindness. In my case I'd love to see spine replacement. By the age of 23 I had 2 back surgeries ending in my ability to do heavy labor. I keep hoping for Deus Ex style human enhancement but I doubt that this is possible, at least to those lengths. I wouldn't even necessarily want those lengths. Maybe just damaged organs or things such as blindness and for kicks and giggles give those who were blind like the option to have infrared vision. Of course the ability to switch back to normal if that's even possible. I'm not a doctor.
Back to the news blurb. A doctor from Switzerland has made a breakthrough in giving the blind a bionic eye. According to the article, people like Dr Beyler are working on what they call Brain-computer interfaces, things like bionic eyes. For the sake of those that can make use of this technology, I hope it's accessible and that insurance will accept this and not write it off as unnecessary so they won't pay for it to happen. Anyways here's the link so you'll see it for yourself. I'm going to warn you now that it will try to barrage you with ads so click slowly until it settles down.
Even the possibility gets me excited that maybe in the near future people with physical impairments like blindness or a condition like mine where my spine degrades almost constantly could be totally repaired or replaced. I'm gonna say this. I am rooting for this technology to come to the average person so we can fix lifelong conditions. I don't imagine very many of you are against this but tell me your thoughts down below. Until later guys and gals.
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